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RCAP Joins the National Drinking Water Alliance

National Drinking Water Alliance

The National Drinking Water Alliance is proud to welcome a new member, the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP).

RCAP is a national network of non-profit partners providing opportunity, assistance and practical guidance to rural and tribal communities in all fifty states, U.S. territories and tribal lands to ensure access to safe drinking water, sanitary wastewater disposal and economic development to build capacity and drive economic prosperity. In fiscal year 2019, the RCAP Network served approximately 2,000 communities, reaching more than 3.2 million rural and tribal residents.

RCAP works to ensure that the smallest, most distressed communities across the country can build capacity to take on a variety of issues they might be encountering, leading to economic opportunity for those that need it the most.

There are approximately 150,000 public water systems across the United States, 97 percent of which serve communities of 10,000 or less. That means there is an incredible need for assistance for rural and tribal areas. RCAP works to build technical, managerial and financial resources and expertise for rural water and wastewater systems, ensuring access to safe drinking water and sanitary wastewater.

RCAP’s commitment to safe drinking water access and affordability highlights the importance of making water a beverage of choice for families and individuals across the country.

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